I listened to the first two hours of the program. There wasn't very much that was important or even that interesting to report on. There was a lot of re-hashing of the same old "political" stuff that Brinker has covered several times.
Although Jimenez is not as outspoken about her political views as Brinker is, she refused to address the subject of the big health care debate when a caller brought it up -- calling it an "elephant in the room." [Honey EC: From the way she seemed upset and cut the caller off when he started to say something negative about it, it sure seemed obvious to me that she was "for it."]
I learned a bit about Jimenez' personal philosophies on investing. Some points she made today:
* Jimenez stated that she "never makes forecasts" that she is "not a market-timer." She told the caller that Bob Brinker is the "market-timer." [Honey EC: This is one of several times that I have heard Jimenez say something about Brinker that is questionable. Calling Brinker a market-timer at this point in time is debatable, even though that is how he defines himself. Please see my previous post.]
* Jimenez said she "doesn't like bond funds."
* Jimenez told a caller to tell a friend who had borrowed money to buy gold that he should sell it (at a profit) Monday morning and pay off the loan. Jimenez told the caller to say that "she said so" and if the friend doesn't know who she is, then tell him that "a national radio talk show host said so." [Honey EC: EXCUSE ME?! A "national radio talk show host," who basically knows NOTHING about the person she was advising (the friend was the caller) is so arrogant as to believe that just because she is on the national airwaves, that qualifies her to tell someone (anyone) to make serious financial decisions on her say so? And some think that Brinker is arrogant. LOL!]
* Jimenez thinks inflation is a long way off and that the Fed will keep continue to keep rates low.
* Jimenez reassured a caller that California Muni Bonds were absolutely safe because "states can't go bankrupt" and their bonds have to be paid first. [Honey EC: Do not take this as absolutely accurate advise.]
* Jimenez said that "congress is working on our behalf." [Honey EC: Jimenez tried to back-track a bit on this, but not by much. She just qualified what she said by stating that they had not always done a great job.]
* Jimenez advised a caller to contact Don Perata for help with his student loan payments. She said she thinks Perata will be helpful. [Honey EC: I don't know why Jimenez said that. Perata is no longer in the state Senate or House. The latest news I can find on him is that he may run for mayor of Oakland. Just a few years ago, Perata was the subject of a long investigation into corruption. And: "Oakland mayoral candidate and former state Senate President Pro Tem Don Perata has continued to have a lucrative relationship with the powerful state prison guards' union since he left office in December." [LINK]
Saturday's guest-speaker was Scott Hougie (spelling). Scott talked about small businesses.
Honey's Market Report:
* Dow closed back above 10,000 at 10,023.42, gaining 2.3% for the week.
* Nasdaq Composite Index closed at 2112.44, gaining 3.3% for the week.
* S&P 500 Index closed at 1069.30, gaining 3.2% for the week.
* GLD closed at $107.43.....Last week it closed at $102.53
* Treasury Bond rates, TIPS, munis [LINK],
* Fed Funds, Mortgage, CD rates [LINK]
* Daily Treasury Statement [LINK]
Moneytalk programs are available free "on demand" at KGO810 radio for seven days after broadcast. You can download and save Bob Brinker's Moneytalk programs (owned by ABC) and listen whenever you choose at no cost whatsoever. To download the programs to your MP3 player or flash drive, just choose the day, then right click on the hour that you want and use "Save Link as." KGO Moneytalk Archives [Link] If you want to call KGO and complain about or praise Bob Brinker's Moneytalk, here are the numbers: Comments line: 415-216-1052....Listener services: 415-216-1050. Here is the KGO email address -- cut-and-paste it into your email compose window: kgofeedback@yahoo.com [Moneytalk was preempted on Saturday, October 31st.]
SJ_Al sent six pictures to share with blog readers that his wife took yesterday from the Marin Headlands. I will post them two at a time. Al wrote a bit of history about the San Francisco Bay. He wrote: "In Oct and Nov when the fog disappears, you can get pictures like this. The early European Explorers missed SF bay for many years sailing the coast due to the fog. In fact, their first observation of the SF Bay was by foot, having come across land from Monterey after the local natives told them of a huge bay."
This is the "Golden Gate Bridge and SF through the morning mist. For perspective, the bridge is 2 miles away and downtown SF is about 5 miles away."
Looking north up the coast from the lighthouse: