How comments are handled on my Blog:
At various times, I have answered questions about how I handle comments on this Blog, but I have never posted a complete explanation. I hope the following will be helpful. If you have any specific questions beyond what is written here, I will be happy to answer them.
The first thing you need to know is that all comments are moderated. This means that I will review them and then make the decision as to whether they will be published or not. Handling comments this way was not my first choice. I would rather that they all be posted directly, but due to some vulgar and/or ad hominem vituperation directed at Kirk, me and other commentators, that is no longer possible. Therefore, there will usually be some lapse of time between when you send your comments and when I post them.
My personal philosophy tells me that everyone should have an equal opportunity to speak freely and express their viewpoints. Therefore, I will publish ALL comments about Bob Brinker -- pro or con. I will never refrain from posting a comment simply because I do not agree with what is written. MOF: I actually welcome viewpoints that differ from my own. (I will also publish those comments that are simply intended for good-natured fun and humor -- I love to laugh.)
I welcome criticism, corrections or additions to anything I write. If I fail to address any topics that Bob Brinker talks about on Moneytalk, I welcome others to bring that to my attention.
However, I will not publish any comments that are not courteous and respectful to everyone. I believe that we can disagree without being disagreeable.
(Addendum: While opinions are welcome, data that is presented as factual, but is provably untrue, will not be published.)
Most of the time, I will personally respond to comments, especially those that ask specific questions. ____Honeybee
"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig, you get dirty; and besides, the pig likes it. --George Bernard Shaw