May 1, 2010....Bob Brinker hosted Moneytalk today. Most of the program was devoted to the tragic Gulf Coast oil spill -- along with some repetitious political talk. The only comments Brinker made about the markets that you might be interested in are these:
Brinker said: "There's a lot of alarmist talk out there and sometimes, unfortunately, it's for a vested reason. Let me give you an example. Suppose you were forecasting a market decline. Well, if you were forecasting a market decline, you're probably pretty upset right now because the market has had a tremendous run in the past year. So you might come up and say, well you know, we're going to go bankrupt and everything is going to zero -- or something like that to keep your followers in line.....
....I would discount forecasts coming from two sources right now. I would discount forecasts coming from those predicting a stock market collapse right now because they've been wrong and they are trying to save face. And I would also discount such rhetoric coming from precious metals vendors because they need that to sell their stuff.....And I hear this stuff all the time and it's basically not credible in my point of view."
Brinker's Saturday guest speaker was Paul Ingrassia:
Moneytalk To Go is Available on Demand Totally Free at KGO810 radio for seven days after broadcast. The three hours of the programs are archived Saturday and Sunday 1-4pm. To download the programs and listen later, just choose the day, right click on each hour that you want and use "Save Link as." KGO Moneytalk Archives [Link] If you want to call KGO and complain about (or praise) Bob Brinker's Moneytalk, here are the numbers: Comments line: 415-216-1052....Listener services: 415-216-1050. Here is the KGO email address -- cut-and-paste it into your email compose window:
A dear family member took this picture a couple of days ago nearby my home:
SteveT. sent this picture. Steve said: "I titled this one "Calm of the Wild". The animal is a wolf. Fear not he is a pampered model. I took it a photo workshop."